At TrackWizz, we understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel a service or order. Our cancellation policy aims to provide clarity and transparency regarding cancellations.
Cancellation Requests
To cancel a service or order, please reach out to us via:
Please provide the following details:
Cancellation Fees
Some services or orders may be subject to cancellation fees. Details of which are the part of contract or the terms which may be already in place during the signup of the services.
Refund Credit Period
Post Determination of refund amount which is also agreed by you, the money will be refunded within 30 business days this will be calculated based from your confirmation date.
Contact Us
For Grievances and Escalations :
If you have any questions or need further clarification about our cancellation policy, please contact us using the provided contact information.
Email: - [email protected]